Template Analysis Framework
Slot uses a comprehensive ontology to analyze and understand starter templates. This framework helps us categorize features, evaluate quality, and make intelligent recommendations based on your specific needs.
Schema Definition
The complete JSON schema that defines our template analysis framework:
"metadata": {
"name": "string",
"source": {
"type": "enum",
"values": ["github", "npm"]
"url": "string",
"stars": "number",
"forks": "number",
"lastUpdate": "date"
"technologies": {
"type": "array",
"description": "Flat list of all technologies, tools, and frameworks used",
"examples": [
"react", "typescript", "tailwind", "jest", "vite", "docker",
"postgres", "prisma", "next-auth", "eslint", "prettier"
"purposes": {
"type": "object",
"description": "Maps technologies to their roles in the template",
"examples": {
"ui": "react",
"styling": "tailwind",
"database": "postgres",
"orm": "prisma",
"testing": "jest",
"bundling": "vite"
"features": {
"development": {
"hotReload": "boolean",
"watchMode": "boolean",
"debugConfig": "boolean",
"devContainer": "boolean",
"typeChecking": "boolean",
"linting": "boolean",
"formatting": "boolean"
"testing": {
"unitTests": "boolean",
"integrationTests": "boolean",
"e2eTests": "boolean",
"cicd": "boolean"
"deployment": {
"envConfig": "boolean",
"dockerfile": "boolean",
"infraAsCode": "boolean",
"productionOptimized": "boolean"
"security": {
"dependencyScanning": "boolean",
"secretManagement": "boolean",
"authentication": "boolean"
"quality": {
"maintenance": {
"commitFrequency": {
"type": "scale",
"range": [1, 5]
"issueResponseTime": {
"type": "scale",
"range": [1, 5]
"documentation": {
"readmeCompleteness": {
"type": "scale",
"range": [1, 5]
"setupInstructions": {
"type": "scale",
"range": [1, 5]
"exampleCoverage": {
"type": "scale",
"range": [1, 5]
"other": {
"type": "object",
"description": "Important information that doesn't fit elsewhere",
"examples": {
"unexpectedProperty": { "unexpected": "datastructure" }
Core Categories
Technologies & Purposes
We analyze both the technology stack and how each technology is used:
Common Technologies
- React, Vue, Angular
- TypeScript, JavaScript
- Tailwind, CSS-in-JS
- Jest, Vitest, Cypress
- Vite, Webpack
Purpose Mapping
- UI frameworks
- Styling solutions
- Database & ORM
- Testing tools
- Build tools
We identify key features across four main categories:
- Hot reload support
- Watch mode
- Debug configuration
- Dev containers
- Type checking
- Linting & formatting
- Unit tests
- Integration tests
- E2E tests
- CI/CD setup
- Environment config
- Dockerfile
- Infrastructure as code
- Production optimization
- Dependency scanning
- Secret management
- Authentication
Quality Metrics
We evaluate quality using 1-5 scale metrics across key dimensions:
- Commit frequency (1-5)
- Issue response time (1-5)
- README completeness (1-5)
- Setup instructions (1-5)
- Example coverage (1-5)
Analysis Output
For each template, our analysis produces:
Core Data
- Technology list and purposes
- Feature presence (boolean flags)
- Quality scores (1-5 scales)
- Metadata (stars, forks, updates)
Extended Data
- Additional properties
- Unexpected data structures
- Template-specific information
- Custom metadata
Next Steps
Learn more about how we use this framework to evaluate template quality and provide accurate recommendations.